Digistorm Insights

Digipeople: meet Paxton Oliphant, our US Sales Development Representative

Written by Regan Coverly | Nov 28, 2022 11:41:37 PM

Every few months we sit down with a team member at Digistorm to talk about their life, their career, and what their experience has been since working at Digistorm. In this interview, we chat with Paxton Oliphant, our Sales Development Representative and Customer Service Manager in our Colorado office. We cover Paxton’s initial attraction to Digistorm and his personal history, and even get to meet his favourite coworker - Campbell the dog!

About Paxton

Regan: Would you mind introducing yourself and your role at Digistorm? 

Paxton: My name is Paxton Oliphant, I am a Sales Development Representative as well as a Customer Service Manager here at Digistorm. This is Campbell, my favourite coworker. He’s a nine-year-old black labrador retriever. He’s been coming to work with me for about six years now. He’s the best Director of Morale here at Digistorm. 

Regan: What’s something about you people might not know?

Paxton: One thing folks might not know about me is I actually studied in Rome over college and I actually got my minor in Italian. 

Regan: What do you get up to in your free time?

Paxton: Living and working in Denver’s great. There’s everything you can imagine within the downtown area here. The city itself has a lot of culture, a lot of restaurant culture, a lot of activity culture as you know with the mountains being so close and skiing and snowboarding and biking. There’s a lot to offer just by being located here at the Digistorm office in Denver. 

Paxton and Digistorm


Regan: What attracted you to Digistorm?

Paxton: The culture at Digistorm is awesome; it’s one of the things that has drawn me to Digistorm when I was actually learning about the job role before I was even hired. Just the job description and then me checking out the website was different, and in a good way. It was really something that drew me in and it was something that I really wanted to learn more about, and since working at Digistorm it’s been nothing but a great experience working with the US office and the Australian office. 

Regan: What’s it like working in the Denver office?

Paxton: The Denver office is awesome. It’s in the downtown area of Denver, right next to the Coors Baseball Stadium, which is a really cool area to be in. I work three days here a week and two days remotely. The time in the office is great because we get to bring our dogs in like you can see Campbell here. Jamie (my boss) will bring in his dogs as well. So, it’s a great environment to feel productive as a team and also feel comfortable as a team with the environment that it promotes. 

Regan: How do you feel about your work/life balance?

Paxton: Work/life balance at Digistorm is awesome. The company actually promotes healthy work/life balance with their employees. So, for example, Jamie will actually make sure that I shut things down by 5 pm each day so that we don’t overstep ourselves or we don’t burn ourselves out. And there are other little things that we do like little lunches and things like that to make sure that we all feel connected. They understand that it’s more than just about work, it’s about healthy work and promoting a healthy work environment.

Regan: What excites you about the future of Digistorm?

Paxton: The opportunity for growth here in the American market. We are only about two years old here, but we’ve laid down some pretty good roots and we’re starting to see some of the fruits of our labor, and it’s really promising. We’ve got some really good partnerships going with some of the leading providers here in America, so right now we’re on a really good trajectory for growth and expansion and success.