Beginning a journey with Digistorm Funnel is an exciting step towards transforming your school’s enrolment processes and lightening your workload. The first six months are the time that you’ll get acquainted with the platform and start reaping its benefits.  

Like any learning experience, it may seem overwhelming at the start. But with the support of our team and systems, you’ll be automating emails and generating sophisticated reports in no time.  

Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect during your introduction to Funnel... 

You’ll become part of a community 

From the moment your school signs up for Funnel, you become part of a vibrant and supportive community. This community is made up of us—team Digistorm!—along with other schools that use our platform. You’ll have opportunities to connect, share experiences and learn from each other through our regular webinars and workshops. You’ll never feel alone on your Digistorm journey with all these like-minded people surrounding you. 

You’ll get a dedicated Onboarding Specialist 

To ensure a smooth transition into the world of Funnel, you’ll be assigned a dedicated Onboarding Specialist. This friendly expert works from our Digistorm HQ, and will guide you through the initial setup and customisation of Funnel so that it suits your school’s specific needs. They’ll provide personalised support, answer your questions and help you navigate any challenges that arise. With their gung-ho focus on your success, you’ll be smashing enrolment goals in no time. 

You’ll get access to Digistorm University 

Wondering how you’ll learn the nitty gritty of Funnel? We’ve made it simple with Digistorm University. This digital learning platform offers a range of lessons designed to help you understand and utilise the features of Funnel effectively. You can learn at your own pace, take quizzes to test your knowledge and revisit lessons whenever you need a quick refresher. The flexibility of Digistorm University means that you can fit your learning into your busy schedule, rather than being pinned down and committed to a certain date.  

There will be support from your Customer Success Manager 

Beyond the initial onboarding phase, you’ll have ongoing support from a Customer Success Manager. This dedicated Digi pro will work closely with you to ensure that you continue to achieve your goals with Digistorm Funnel, both during the learning phase and beyond. They’ll do regular check-ins, offer strategic advice and help you optimise your use of the platform. They aim to ensure your long-term success and satisfaction with Funnel and will be on your side every step of the journey. 

Here’s what Mariel Glesk, Digital Marketing and Communications Manager at Caloundra City Private School, shared about onboarding with Digistorm and the help of a Customer Success Manager:  

“My experience using Funnel for those first six months was really easy because the program was really user friendly. I found that the best way to learn it was just to go in and start clicking around. I knew that I really couldn't break anything, and we had our Digistorm Customer Success Manager who was always there to help out or just to point me in the right direction of where to find information and how to better use the different functions.” 

You’ll overcome that initial overwhelm  

We understand that adopting a new system can feel a bit icky. There are new processes to learn, data to migrate and adjustments to be made to how you operate. The good news is that we are here to support you every step of the way and when you’re all set up, you’ll never look back. Soon after onboarding you’ll overcome that initial overwhelm and find your feet. Then you’ll be wishing your school adopted Funnel sooner, just like Abbi Naude, School Registrar and Executive Assistant at Caloundra City Private School: 

“Before, I was going up manual lists of emails and all that kind of thing, whereas through Funnel, it's seamless. Funnel improves the way my role works because it gives me scope to have more time to ensure that I'm supporting my leadership team. I have that confidence that I'm able to connect with prospective families in a timely fashion and know that all that information is easily accessible.”   

The benefits of Digistorm Funnel will start streaming in 

Once you’re up and running, the benefits of Digistorm Funnel will be realised and your school enrolments will feel more streamlined by the day. Here are some of the advantages you can look forward to: 

  • Smooth school enrolments: The enrolment process becomes streamlined and efficient, reducing the administrative burden on you and your team and providing a better experience for prospective families.
  • Automated processes: Many of the manual tasks that fill your typical workday will slip away, with enrolment and data management automated. This not only saves you time but reduces the risk of errors.
  • Clear access to data: With all your enrolment data in one neat place, you can easily access and analyse information to make informed decisions.
  • Improved communication: Funnel facilitates better communication with prospective families, ensuring that they receive timely and relevant information. Even when automated, it will be customised for that personal touch.
  • Enhanced reporting: Generate detailed reports to track your enrolment progress and identify areas that need tweaking. Goal smashing, here you come! 

Wrapping up 

The first six months with Digistorm Funnel are a period of learning, adjustment and growth. With the support of our community, dedicated team and comprehensive resources, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate this transition without a hitch. As you become more familiar with the platform, you’ll start to see significant improvements in your enrolment processes and overall efficiency.  

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Published 5 August 2024